Nutrient Density and Caloric Density

Don’t be fooled by misleading ads, FB posts, etc…making false claims about certain products without giving CONTEXT. ‘Tis the season…..

Back to the lecture at hand – Snoop Dog

Foods that are very good for us are HIGH in Nutrient Density, meaning they have lots of beneficial stuff for our bodies. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein, carbs, fat, and fiber. Not all nutrient dense foods contain all of them, but some combination of the above.

Foods that are high in caloric density need to be limited for most people whose goals are to manage their weight and/or lose weight. Sometimes foods that are high in nutrient density can also be very calorie dense. An example of that would be an avocado. Lots of great stuff in it; however, it’s very calorie dense, meaning it’s easy to have too much of a good thing and consume too many calories due to it’s high fat content, making it a high caloric density food. Make no mistake, that doesn’t mean avoid these foods, it simply means be very aware of it. Most of the foods we should really limit are of the low nutrient density and high calorie density variety. Notice how I didn’t say never. We just have to discipline ourselves to limit those things and not overindulge.

Choosing to consume foods and food supplements that are nutrient dense that are also low in caloric density is a phenomenal way to get everything your body needs and then some, without the excess calories, which is the root cause of the 70% of America’s population being overweight/obese, and 1 out of every 3 children with obesity.

“So what’s up with the picture Brando?” You may be asking yourself.

I’m a big fan of food. We all are. So let’s just fist bump on that point.  there we go.

I’m also a big fan of food supplements. In our fast paced busy lifestyles, the vast majority of people NEED healthy, convenient, high nutrient density, low caloric density food supplements to fill in the gaps where their food will fall short. There is a very healthy marriage to be had with both food and food supplements.

I have at least one protein shake/day, oftentimes 2. Why? Because HIGH nutrient density and low calorie density. And it takes less than 3 minutes, and oftentimes it’s just the protein shake, so that’s less than 30 seconds.


Here’s a great example of high nutrient density and low caloric density from this little concoction from the picture:

Calories: 317
Protein: 27g
Carbohydrates: 44g
Fat: 5g
Fiber: 10g

* Plus too many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, & botanicals to type.

1 Cup Spinach
1 Cup Frozen Berries
1 Scoop DAILY Greens/Probiotics
1 Scoop LEAN Whey Protein